What We Don’t Fund – Exclusions

Grants are not usually made for the following:

  • Running costs of established organisations or ongoing projects.
  • Contributions towards the overall costs of a project (the Trust normally provides grants for salary costs, although occasionally it funds other project expenses).
  • Conference attendance.
  • Projects proposed indirectly through other ‘umbrella’ organisations.
  • Projects from large well-funded charities.
  • Personal education fees or fees for taught courses – unless the proposal comes from a senior researcher who is seeking funds for research which could be undertaken by post-graduate student.
  • Completion of a project or PhD initiated by other bodies. (If you are a student requiring help with fees, please see the News & Links page)
  • Educational or ‘gap-year’ projects for young people.
  • Projects where the Trust would not be a major supporter, with the Trust normally preferring to fund at least 50% of the total project costs. Applying for funding elsewhere will not prejudice an application. 


Grants are never made for the following:

  • Directly to individuals (grants are only awarded through UK charitable organisations for specific projects).
  • Donations to general appeals of any kind.
  • The purchase, erection or conversion of buildings, or other capital costs.
  • University overhead charges.