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A grant-giving charity that supports innovative and pioneering Social, Medical and Religious projects, to enable human flourishing and to prevent suffering.

The Trust funds a wide range of organisations to achieve this goal, with grants normally ranging from one to three years in duration and up to circa £60,000 per project (with a £30,000 limit per year), although in exceptional cases up to £80,000 may be considered.  The Trust is underpinned by Christian values, but welcomes applications from other faith and non-faith projects. 

A Member of the Association of Charitable Foundations

Who we are

The Trust is a grant-giving foundation established by Sir Halley Stewart in 1924.  It is concerned with the development of people’s minds, bodies and spirits, and promotes a just environment and international good will through its grant-making.

The Trust is managed by a part-time Clerk, supported by a Grants Manager, and governed by Trustees from the Stewart family and experts in the Trust’s special areas of interest.

Our Trustees meet three times a year to award grants to UK-based charitable organisations, for both national and international projects.


What we do

The Trust has a particular focus on supporting innovative research projects and new pioneering development projects, primarily through the provision of salary costs.  We fund Medical, Social and Religious projects, with Education being a theme that runs across all three grant-making areas.

We award a number of Main Grants (normally up to £60,000, with a £30,000 limit per year) and a limited number of Small Grants (one-off grants for projects costing up to £5,000).  We will keep our website updated with any special announcements or new funding programmes. 




How to apply

Click here for guidance on how to make an application.  

The Trust’s next Board meetings will be held on:

10th October 2024: Closed to new applications.

20th February 2025: Open to new applications. Currently, this grant round is due to close on 21st November 2024, but may need to close earlier due to the volume of applications being received.

Meetings are ‘closed’ to new application submissions at the discretion of the Trust, and without prior warning, once the meeting capacity is reached.

Click here to view the Trust’s Privacy Notice.

