
Mrs Theresa Bartlett, BSc Hons
Trust Chair, Member of all Committees
Great, great granddaughter of Sir Halley Stewart. Worked in the City of London in the Insurance Broking Sector. Currently works for the Citizens Advice Bureau as a Generalist Adviser.

Ms Celia Atherton, BA (Hons), CQSW, OBE
Chair of the Social Committee
Celia Atherton has worked in social care, social justice and research for over 40 years, helping to establish Research in Practice in 1996, Research in Practice for Adults in 2001, the Dartington School for Social Entrepreneurs in 2009 and LandWorks in 2013. She retired in 2016. She has been a trustee of Scope and is currently also a trustee of LandWorks and the Harberton Church Community Fund.

Medical Committee
James Bunn is Lead for Child Health for WHO in Sierra Leone. Prior to this he was a paediatrician in Liverpool, and has been Associate Professor in Community Health in Malawi. He is a member of the Christian Medical Fellowship. His interests are medical education, nutrition and infection, particularly where innovation can improve child outcomes in low resource settings.

Mrs Louisa Elder, MA (Cantab)
Trust Vice Chair, Member of the Social Committee 
Mrs Elder was formerly a head hunter, specialising in the Voluntary and Charitable Sector. She is a daughter of Lord Stewartby, and a great, great grand-daughter of Sir Halley Stewart.

Mr Jay Evans
Medical Committee
Jay Evans is the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Interactive Health Ltd (IHL). He has worked internationally in global health for more than a decade. In tandem with his role at IHL, he is currently a Teaching Fellow at the University of Edinburgh, an Associate Researcher at the University of Copenhagen, serves as faculty for the Advanced Programme in Digital Health with ISTCE in Lisbon and supports the NHS Digital Health Leadership Programme together with Imperial College London.

Ms Vivienne Evans OBE
Social Committee
Vivienne Evans OBE is the Chief Executive of Adfam, the national umbrella organisation for children and families affected by someone else’s substance misuse. She has a background in drug and alcohol education, prevention and young people, and families and substance misuse policy and practice. She is a former member of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) and chaired its working group on the implementation of the report of the inquiry into the children of problem drug users – Hidden Harm. She also chaired the Drug Sector Skills Consortium, funded by the Department of Health, and the Family Drug and Alcohol Court Advisory Group.

Shermara Fletcher-Hoyte ( BA, Hons) MA
Religious Committee
Shermara Fletcher-Hoyte has extensive experience in homelessness, faith, grassroot community organising, leadership development and public life. She is the principal officer for Pentecostal and Charismatic relations at Churches Together in England, is an international peace ambassador for the world federation of world peace and is the Patron of the London Refugee Fund. Shermara is a WH Smith and Waterstones featured author contributor in several books about theology, housing and politics and has featured in national print, radio and TV broadcasts including the BBC, TBN, Premier and The Church Times.

Ms Kate Garbers
Social Committee
Co-Founder and former Director of the anti-slavery organisation Unseen. Current Independent Modern Slavery Consultant, Research Fellow at the Rights Lab (University of Nottingham) and chair of trustees for Hope at Home.

Mr Andrew Graystone, BA, PGCE, MA
Religious Committee
After studying theology and working in a number of churches, Andrew Graystone had an extensive career in media.  He produced programmes for BBC television and radio, and also for various independent companies.  Andrew continues to broadcast regularly on BBC radio, and teaches communications and ethics at the Nazarene Theological College in Manchester, where he is also a governor.  He is currently pursuing a research project looking at ethics and embodiment in digital culture.

Mrs Amy Holcroft, BA (Hons) Dip.Law (CPE), Dip.Law (LPC), CIPP/E
Religious Committee
Amy Holcroft qualified as a solicitor in 1996. She practiced in the fields of corporate and IT law for 10 years before specialising in data protection and security law in 2006.She works as the Chief Privacy Officer for Twilio Inc. and was formerly the Chief Privacy Officer for Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Amy is the daughter of Dr Duncan Stewart and a great, great-granddaughter of Sir Halley Stewart.

Dr Judith Johnson, PhD, ClinPsyD, CPsychol
Medical Committee
Judith Johnson is a Clinical Psychologist and Associate Professor at the University of Leeds. She holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Manchester and a ClinPsyD (practitioner doctorate) from the University of Birmingham. She is a mental health and healthcare research expert specialising in workforce wellbeing and provider-patient communication. Her research has been published in leading journals including the BMJ, Academic Medicine and Clinical Psychology Review and featured by the Guardian newspaper, the Independent newspaper, BBC News and BBC Radio 4.

Dr Mzwandile A Mabhala, MFPH, FRSPH, FRSM
Social Committee
Dr Mabhala is a Professor of Public Health at the University of Derby. Dr Mabhala’s research interest centres on socio-economic determinants of inequalities in health and social justice. His recent research work has had a focus on marginalised population groups and under-researched subjects including homeless, substance users. 

Ms Christine Morgan MA Cantuar
Religious Committee
Christine Morgan worked in BBC Religion & Ethics for over 3 decades, working in Producer and then Editor roles across a range of programming in radio and television.  She was then Head of Religion & Ethics Radio for 11 years.  This included output for the domestic networks, World Service and Online; delivering for audiences of all faiths and none. Since leaving the BBC, she is writing a book charting 50 years of Radio 4’s Thought for the Day.  She is also a Trustee for Oasis Charitable Trust.

Mr Hugh Richardson
Finance Committee
After training as an accountant with PwC and a spell with the International Accounting Standards Board, Hugh spent 20 years in investment banking and general management with S.G. Warburg before becoming a bursar at an Oxford college and a director of finance at a leading school. He has been a trustee of many charities including those involved with the arts, urban regeneration, international development, sport, and men’s health, and remains involved in a range of voluntary activities.

Dr Duncan Stewart, MBBS, DObst, RCOG 
Trust President, Member of the Medical Committee
Great-grandson of Sir Halley Stewart. Qualified at Guy’s Hospital in 1967 and is now retired from General Practice in Sussex. He has been actively involved with charity work in Bosnia.

Mr Andrew Wauchope, BA, FCISI
Honorary Treasurer, Member of the Finance Committee
Andrew Wauchope has specialised in investment management and the charity sector throughout his 30 years in the investment industry. He is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment and a visiting lecturer at the Cass Business School. He is a trustee of the Masonic Charitable Foundation, the Harrow Mission Trust and also sits on the Court of the Worshipful Company of Ironmongers, a London Livery Company. He is currently a Senior Investment Director at Psigma Investment Management.

Revd Professor David Wilkinson, BSc, PhD, MA, PhD, FRAS
Chair of the Religious Committee
Reverend Professor David Wilkinson is a Professor in the Department of Theology and Religion, Durham University and Director of Equipping Christian Leadership in an Age of Science. Before working in Durham as a theologian he was an astrophysicist, and then studied theology at Cambridge before becoming a Methodist minister in inner city Liverpool. He is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, with his current work involving the relationship between Christian theology and contemporary culture. Professor Wilkinson is the current Chair of the Trust’s Religious Sub-committee.

Professor John Wyatt, BSc, MBBS, FRCP, FRCPCH, DCH
Chair of the Medical Committee, Member of the Religious Committee
John Wyatt is Professor of Ethics & Perinatology and Consultant Neonatal Paediatrician, University College London. He is also Chairman of the Ethics Study Group of the Christian Medical Fellowship, Board member of London Institute for Contemporary Christianity, Council member of Medical Defence Union. His areas of expertise are: Research into the causation and prevention of brain damage in newborn babies; Medical care of newborn babies in developing countries; Ethical, legal and philosophical dilemmas in health care at the beginning of life.